Housing Issues
Mould Issues
The issue of mould ridden homes is one the most serious problems with Newham homes, indeed many of the flats within my block have this issue, yet people complain until they are blue in the face and nothing ever gets done. Now I do accept that in a small percentage of cases, this is caused by tenants who do not understand that drying clothes indoors and not allowing the bathroom to extract the moisture after a shower or bath will cause this if you don't ventilate your home afterwards, but these circumstances are the exception rather than the rule, and I have spoken to many tenants who understand this yet have serious mould problems that the council refuses to address. Indeed, my next door neighbour was recently driven out of his own flat because the mould problem was so severe that he feared for his child's
The mould issue is without a doubt the worst way in which tenants are gaslit by the council, because as far as they are concerned, it is always caused by condensation. This problem is a major concern because it can cause serious health issues, and as was recently highlighted in the news, can even cause death. I'd be willing to bet that thousands of social housing tenants die every year as a result of mouldy flats, but the connection is not made by health practitioners because alopathic medicine usually focuses on the symptoms rather than the cause. I know of a tenant on the 17th floor who is on kidney dialysis twice a week whilst living in a mouldy flat and has complained about it until he is blue in the face, yet even when a tenant has health problems as serious as that, it doesn't sway the council into doing anything about it