They Live
The Problem
You can read the full story of what I've had to put up with here.
There's a good reason why no one has ever dealt with the real problem within Newham's housing department and that is because it is too tough a pill to swallow, as it feels so much safer to blame it on mismanagement, or a lack of training for staff, when the harsh reality is that it is caused by the fact that it's run by demonic, narcissistic psychopaths who are totally and utterly devoid of any humanity, compassion or empathy, and who run the housing department for no ones convenience other than their own. These people are so lacking in basic humanity that they couldn't care less if tenants die in their own homes because of their horrendous living conditions, something that no doubt happens on a regular basis. Newham council's housing department doesn't just need an overhaul, it needs an exorcism.
The problem is endemic with Newham council, because when an organisation becomes infected with narcissists, it spreads like a virus. Narcissist have three major problems, they don't have a soul, they don't feel empathy or compassion,
and the only way they can feel anything is to upset and antagonise others in order to feed off the souls of those of us who actually have one, which is why virtually everyone within Newham council enjoys being deliberately difficult, and why nothing ever gets resolved, because like all narcissists, our misery is where they get their sustenance.
A Job with Newham Council is a Job for Life (Regardless of how badly you perform or behave)
The biggest problem with being a narcissist within Newham Council is that you are part of a protected club. It's a bit like being a Freemason; you lift your trouser leg up to identify yourself and you are then a protected member for life, free to inflict misery on whoever you chose, safe in the knowledge that you are untouchable, protected and have a guaranteed job that you'll never get sacked from, regardless of how badly you behave. The fact that all the senior executives and management who have run the housing department into the ground are still in their jobs proves this admirably, and the main reason why there are so many narcissists working for Newham council is because it is such a soulless place to work that would need to have no soul in order to stomach working there.
The flowchart illustrated here really does demonstrate how simple the problem actually is and how equally simple it is to rectify. Can you do your job? Yes? Well then do your job! No? Then either resign or be fired from your job and replaced with someone who can. But despite the fact that no one senior within Newham's housing department can do their jobs effectively, they never get in trouble or sacked for it and I've come to the conclusion that a senior employee could
Should you be working for Newham Council? A comprehensive flowchart.
probably kill someone and still remain in their job. The head of lifts Geoff Williams is a classic example of this, as he is an evil, vile, nasty little man who has done enough to be sacked a thousand times over throughout the last 16 years, yet not only is he still in his job, he continues to screw everyone over on a daily basis with the full blessing of everyone above him which goes as high as the Director of housing and the Mayor. Not only has the job for life culture within Newham council got to stop, we the tenants must be given the power to demand the resignation or sacking of any and all council housing employees who do not do their jobs to an acceptable standard.